Aulora Series 之 “我肿的时候你看不起,我消肿了你高攀不起”

一个 MCO  从 18/3/2020 到 20/4/2020 
从116kg 跌跌跌 到 108kg😱😱😱

平时减吃减淀粉体重都很难下,妹妹yuki叫他24小时穿 Aulora Series ,他半信半疑 也不听,有穿没穿下 还是一样! 

MCO Start 开始下定决心一定要瘦下来 因为医生说如果你再不瘦下来 4层楼的专科部门 你要去见到完 可以想象到时花的钱💰是天文数字!谁不怕!肯定怕!乖乖的这段期间天天穿 Aulora Series (衣服➕裤子➕袜子➕内裤)通通穿,再加饮食上控制,每天运动! 这是1个月多的效果 !!感恩遇见Aulora Series 拥有了就相信它 努力穿 24小时穿💪🏽

---Thanks Yuki for sharing true story of Liang Liang---

From 18/3/2020 to 20/4/2020, Liang Liang has successfully slim down from 116kg to 108kg. 
Usually he control his diet but cannot see the weight loss until his sister, Yuki introduced him Aulora pants and asked him to wear 24 hours. He don't believe and not listen to instructions. Sometimes wear sometimes don't,  he sees no difference at all. Doctor told him if he cannot slim down, he need to meet professor at Level 4 and the cost is expensive. So when MCO starts,  he decided to take this opportunity to diet. Everyday wearing Aulora pants + Aulora top+ Aulora socks+Aulora boxers, and eat healthy as well as doing exercise. The picture shown is his results for a month.

🔊 Further Info  想了解,欢迎询问😊  📲Kindly Contact Me Winnie Lau For More Details 😊😊😊

Name              : Winnie Lau
Whatsapp        :
Wechat            : winniel_0113
Location          : Malaysia and Singapore
Facebook         : Winnie Lie -

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Testimonials appearing on this website are received in various forms via a variety of submission methods. The testimonials reflect the real-life experiences of individuals who used our products. However, individual results may vary.


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