一直不断的开刀住院 直到遇到BE 人生开始了180度的转变

Thank you bro Wee Chow Yong for sharing 🙏🏼 ❤❤❤

At the age of 1️⃣9️⃣ . #Appendix Rupture. Hospitalised for 2 months. MC for 4 months.🤒

Age 3️⃣8️⃣ testicle #cancer.  Radiotherapy at Damasara Specialist hospital. MC for 1 year.🤒

Age 4️⃣5️⃣ #Leukemia Chemotherapy at PPUM .Hospitalisation for 3 months. MC for 1 year🤒

Age 5️⃣0️⃣ #Intestinal Obstruction (Bowel Obstruction). 3 times abdomen operation. Hospitalised for 7 months.

#Meniere's Disease.  (Vertigo/Giddiness) for more then 5️⃣ years. Went to few ENT specialists and few Traditional Chinese Medical center. I cannot head up, lies flat and can't get up quickly from bed or sit. 
The most serious time is 2 days cannot wake up and continuously vomit.

Oct 2019. I tried #Shiruto 2 packs per day,morning and night. After 1 and the half box, I can head up, lies flat and wake up quickly.

December 2018. I realised that my #urine foamy, from the urine report indicate that I have too much of protein, such as #ALBUMIN in my urine. It may be a sign that my #kidneys aren't working correctly. 

On November 2019. I bought a pairs of #Aulora Boxer. After worn it for 24hrs and 2 weeks. My #urine foarmy vanished.

My latest Urine report show that my #protein in urine is NEGATIVE.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank #BE International for having a marvelous products..... 

感恩MR Wee的分享
三十岁已经在Oil & Gas当Civil Engineering很成功了。
可是三十五岁就患上了Prostate Cancer

遇到BE Shiruto,早2包 和 晚2包,一盒就改善了他的 #耳水不平衡Vertigo。
穿Aulora Boxer改善了,#小便有泡沫的问题,医生曾经说要注意腰子了。
因为太感恩健康改善了,Mr Wee不断分享给身边的人。两个星期就上了品牌大使,也从Tengganu来BE HQ参加会议,全力以赴BE事业!恭喜!恭喜! 👏👏👏

🔊 Further Info  想了解,欢迎询问😊  📲Kindly Contact Me Winnie Lau For More Details 😊😊😊

Name              : Winnie Lau
Whatsapp        : https://wa.me/6594342330?text=I%20found%20you%20on%20from%20your%20blog
Wechat            : winniel_0113
Facebook         : Winnie Lie - https://www.facebook.com/winnie.lie.3

Testimonial Disclaimer:
Testimonials appearing on this website are received in various forms via a variety of submission methods. The testimonials reflect the real-life experiences of individuals who used our products. However, individual results may vary.


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