
Showing posts from April, 2020

Aulora pants 之 让你直!你要歪都不行❌

Thank you for sharing 🙏🏻🙏🏻 The schoolbag was very heavy in elementary school, and the long-term carrying that heavy bag has caused my #spineproblem. The degree of bending is so small that you won't notice it.  At the age of 18, when my spine and back abnormalities were discovered, we quickly sought medical help from doctors. #Scoliosis has changed the body muscles, causing compression to the nerves. In order to prevent deterioration, the doctor has recommended a surgery and physical therapy in 2014 as there was no choice. I am a beautician, and my poor posture for many years has also caused my muscles to have #backache and #sciatica. When I knew about Aulora Pants, I decided to try it and insisted on wearing the #AuloraPants for 24 hours.  There was a comparison between the photos taken before and the photos after, and it was obvious that there was a big improvement.   I have been wearing it for about 5 months now.  It's a Wise choice that i have made, it relieved me from v

Shiruto + Zencoso 之 拯救生命❤

SHIRUTO + ZENCOSO FOR Lung Infection! Thanks to Khoo for sharing testimonial. About a month ago, my mother developed a #bacterial infection in the lungs and also had a high fever ~ Day 1 of hospitalization ~ At that time, she was in an unconscious state, her eyes could not opened, and she did not have the strength to eat. The doctor said that her condition is unstable, her resistance is low, her blood volume is not enough, and there is a dangerous high fever. There is no other way. Only antibiotics are used to treat high fever ~ Day 3 ~ My mother’s condition did not improve at all, basically the same as the first day of hospitalization, and there was a high fever. On this day I decided to let my mother try to take a pack of #Shiruto and a small spoon of #Zencoso, three times a day ~ Day 4 ~ Miraculously, my mother opened her eyes and the high fever also retreated. This progress has also made doctors curious. But they still need to stay in hospital and worry that the condition is still

Shiruto 之 告别痘痘肌👋 bye pimples

#Pimples on your face could be due to #infection! See how #shiruto can help you! #痘痘消失了 #痘痘消失了 #痘痘消失了 开心的事要讲3次😍😍😍 因为我又帮助了多一个人🤩🤩🤩 谢谢同事的分享: 今年7月时,Chee Hwa 去吃榴莲 和噜噜,之后呢~额头上就一直生了一大堆大大粒的痘痘,痘痘有浓,破了后就变得红红肿肿~ 他看到自己的脸那样,就去美容院洗脸,结果洗了脸还是一样! 他每天骑摩托来回新马,有时避免不了淋雨,有几次就发现淋雨后,脸更加严重而且还发炎,看了专科后才知道细菌感染!连续吃了医生的药3天了,都没有好转~ 一直到我分享Shiruto给他吃之前,他也在网上找了很多资料才敢去尝试Shiruto,看到类似的发炎问题再吃了Shiruto后得到改善,他决定暂时停止服用医生开给他的药。 9月11号,他开始吃shiruto,一开始吃4包,过后3包到慢慢好转就一天到2包,这个月尾他还要拿货哦😇 感恩公司推出那么棒的产品可以帮助到他改善他的痘痘,找回自信!😍 也谢谢Chee Hwa 愿意把他的见证分享出来帮助更多的人🙏 #BE International #Shiruto 🔊 Further Info  想了解,欢迎询问😊  📲Kindly Contact Me Winnie Lau For More Details 😊😊😊 Name              : Winnie Lau Whatsapp        : Wechat            : winniel_0113 Facebook         :  Winnie Lie  - Testimonial Disclaimer: Testimonials appearing on this website are received in various forms via a variety of submission methods. The testim

Aulora Series 之 非常好“裤”-Boxer

男士们请注意‼️‼️ 我们都需要内裤,让我们穿件健康的内裤吧。 相信很多人都想知道 #前列腺炎的症狀吧! #前列腺炎的12大症狀:  😬一、#尿痛。  😬二、#尿頻。  😬三、#尿急。  😬四、#遺尿。  😬五、#性功能障礙。  😬六、“#白濁”:小便渾濁色白,是前列腺炎感染引起的症狀。  😬七、“#精濁”:多見於前列腺的炎性疾病。 尿道口有少量白色分泌物溢出。  😬八、#下體疼痛:以會陰部位疼痛為主,會陰部不適,沉重,墜脹樣感,亦可為刺痛或劇痛。 疼痛可放射到腰背部。  😬九、#血精:前列腺炎的症狀還會出現血精。  😬十、#尿無力:前列腺炎的症狀首先是排尿無力,這也是由於前列腺患病時,膀胱逼尿肌失去代償能力而引起的。 排尿時,不能立刻將尿液排出,而需要等待一段時間。  😬十一、#尿不盡:排尿滴瀝不斷,這是由於膀胱頸部及前列腺尿道部受壓,導致排尿阻力增加所造成的。 在排尿過程中或排尿終末,尿液不能連續。  😬十二、#尿瀦留:由於種種原因而使膀胱內尿液不能排出即稱為尿瀦留。 #預防勝於治療。  Aulora Boxer With Kodenshi 男性電光電子纖維內褲可以幫忙解決你的憂心。  許多女性也愛穿這🥰AuloraBoxer🥰,因為真的很舒服,比平時的安全褲更舒適更好穿。還可以美美瘦身哦😜😄👍,女生也能穿,不只是男生才可以穿哦。 #AuloraBoxerKodenshi 🔊 Further Info  想了解,欢迎询问😊  📲Kindly Contact Me Winnie Lau For More Details 😊😊😊 Name              : Winnie Lau Whatsapp        : Wechat            : winniel_0113 Location          : Malaysia and Singapore Facebook         :  Winnie Lie  -  https://www.facebo

Shiruto 之 十万个什么是Shiruto❓

📣🔬只想分享给大家 💡有兴趣或没兴趣者都可以一起来了解此SHIRUTO 产品😊 Q:Shiruto是什么? A:Shiruto是免疫维生素。Shiruto可以增强你的免疫系统。 Q:Shiruto如何增强免疫系统? A:Shiruto的独特成分 IP-PA1是免疫细胞不可或缺的维生素。IP-PA1与巨噬细胞表面受体(TLR4)结合,能够激活巨噬细胞。 Q:巨噬细胞在自体免疫系统里扮演什么角色? A:巨噬细胞在自体免疫系统里扮演4大角色。 1.可以保护身体 2.平衡免疫系统 3.清除老化和病变细胞 4.修复细胞 Q:巨噬细胞为何会不活跃? A: 巨噬细胞会因为年龄增长,环境污染,不良的生活作息变成了不活跃。巨噬细胞不活跃就导致免疫系统失调。 Q: 激活了自体免疫力,对我们的身体可以带来什么改变呢? A:可以帮助预防与改善感染,敏感,皮肤炎,高血脂,胃溃疡,骨骼疏松。 Q:Shiruto有没有临床验证? A:有。临床验证IP-PA1的激活巨噬细胞的活性是B 葡聚糖和乳酸菌的1000倍。减少因寄生虫感染的死亡率。减缓皮肤炎的问题高达71%。减少过敏反应,有效减少高胆固醇,减少胃溃疡,修复胰岛素细胞并且维持胰岛素的生产以延缓发病率。 Q:Shiruto和抗生素有分别吗? A:有。抗生素是帮你打病菌。Shiruto是激活巨噬细胞,让他们去打病菌。 Q:Shiruto是怎样的?什么味道?  A:Shiruto是粉末状,蓝莓味道,酸酸甜甜,很好吃。大人小孩老人家都很爱的味道。 Q:该如何服用Shiruto? A:2岁以上的儿童建议每天1包。成人可以每天2包。可以连续服用三个月以达到最佳效果。 🔊 Further Info  想了解,欢迎询问😊  📲Kindly Contact Me Winnie Lau For More Details 😊😊😊 Name              : Winnie Lau Whatsapp        :

Aulora Series 之 十万个什么是Kodensi❓

光电子纤维(Kodensi) 有什么功效?🤔 1)给身体远红外线的保护能保存体温,促进血液循环 2)增加免疫球蛋白,促进免疫功能 3)减少身心疲劳 4)提高基础代谢率 5)减少炎症 6)加强心肺功能 7)增加带氧量 8)减少运动后身体肌肉酸痛 9)提高多巴胺,你会越穿越开心🤗 10)帮助睡眠😴 🔊 Further Info  想了解,欢迎询问😊  📲Kindly Contact Me Winnie Lau For More Details 😊😊😊 Name              : Winnie Lau Whatsapp        : Wechat            : winniel_0113 Location          : Malaysia and Singapore Facebook         :  Winnie Lie  - Testimonial Disclaimer: Testimonials appearing on this website are received in various forms via a variety of submission methods. The testimonials reflect the real-life experiences of individuals who used our products. However, individual results may vary.

Aulora pants 之 “不要笑我一拐一拐了,我跑给你看”

中风导致半边风脚和手都没力了,只能靠着拐杖来行走。穿上Aulora Pants 3天,才3天😱😱奇迹既然发生了 谢谢伙伴们的分享! 😱😱😱昨天收到家婆发给我的视频非常开心兴奋感动😂,之前看了伙伴们的真实见证,没想到这次Aulora Pants 的奇迹真真实实的发生在我自己的亲人身上了~ 我的家公65岁,就在今年3月,中风导致半边风脚和手都没力了,只能靠着拐杖来行走,而且多年的夜间频尿五六次的问题一直都干扰他的正常睡眠,导致他睡眠不足,而且他也有尿酸,高血压的的问题和种种的病痛个个都围绕着他. 看到了很多伙伴们分享Aulora Kodenshi Pants 能改善很多中风导致行动不便的真实见证,我就马上买了给我家公,结果我家公穿了三天他就说晚上频尿减少了很多,从5-6 次一晚到1-2次,而且睡到天亮,还没穿Aulora Pants 家公还要靠拐杖行走,因为脚没力会跌倒需要拐杖撑着,但是穿上Aulora Pants 3天,才3天!!!😱😱奇迹既然发生了,我家公的脚突然觉得脚有力,他试着不用拐杖走看看,结果他办到了!!![鼓掌][鼓掌]他可以行走不用拐杖了!!我家婆和我们都非常惊讶和感动 😱😱 家公一向来非常固执,之前一直拒绝抗拒不相信,在家婆苦口婆心劝说之下才愿意穿看看,今天他对Aulora Pants 非常有信心了,我家婆说今天不需要强逼他穿他自己会自动穿了😁还说非常舒服好穿,我只可以说,我的家公很幸运,也很有福气!真的感恩Be International 带来这么好的产品,造福了很多需要改善的人!🙏 Watch video: Aulora Pant with Kodenshi - 中风 Testimonial 🔊 Further Info  想了解,欢迎询问😊  📲Kindly Contact Me Winnie Lau For More Details 😊😊😊 Name              : Winnie Lau Whatsapp        : Wechat            : winniel_0113 Location          : Malaysia and Singapor

(慎入)Shiruto 之 没有好不了的伤口,只因没遇到它

Shiruto vs Diabetic  Shiruto has helped many diabetic patients with wounds to heal and recover faster 🙏🏻 Shiruto 幫助很多糖尿病患者傷口更快康復🙏🏻 🔊 Further Info  想了解,欢迎询问😊  📲Kindly Contact Me Winnie Lau For More Details 😊😊😊 Name              : Winnie Lau Whatsapp        : Wechat            : winniel_0113 Facebook         :  Winnie Lie  - Testimonial Disclaimer: Testimonials appearing on this website are received in various forms via a variety of submission methods. The testimonials reflect the real-life experiences of individuals who used our products. However, individual results may vary.

Shiruto 之 磕破额头的熊孩子的救星

#谢谢伙伴的分享~ #Shiruto救星来了🥰😘😎。。。 幸好有Shiruto 在家防身,不然不敢想像后果😟.. 昨天傍晚儿子因为好奇心要去厨房看太太煮食,看到太太煮他喜欢的食物,开心的從厨房蹦蹦跳跳,不小心撞在桌上的尖端, 当时头腫了很大粒,而且又流了很多血.. 我赶紧的给他服Shiruto... 过后我把儿子撞伤的照片发给我BE INTERNATIONAL 的上线 SALLY OOI..  当时她叫我快快倒入Shiruto 在我儿子伤口那边, 因为她说Shiruto内服外用,伤囗比较快复原而且消腫也会比较快.. 我就在儿子伤口撒了一些Shiruto..然后每隔3-4小时服食Shiruto.. 只有短短的一天伤口好了而且也消肿了, 感恩有Shiruto..不但可以服食也可以外用😎😍.  #所以Shiruto是每家的必须品,所谓真< #看门口> #BEINTERNATIONAL  #BESHIRUTO 🔊 Further Info  想了解,欢迎询问😊  📲Kindly Contact Me Winnie Lau For More Details 😊😊😊 Name              : Winnie Lau Whatsapp        : Wechat            : winniel_0113 Facebook         :  Winnie Lie  - Testimonial Disclaimer: Testimonials appearing on this website are received in various forms via a variety of submission methods. The testimonials reflect the real-life experiences of individuals who used our products. However, individual results may vary.

Aulora Series 之 “我肿的时候你看不起,我消肿了你高攀不起”

谢谢伙伴分享 一个 MCO  从 18/3/2020 到 20/4/2020  从116kg 跌跌跌 到 108kg😱😱😱 平时减吃减淀粉体重都很难下,妹妹yuki叫他24小时穿 Aulora Series ,他半信半疑 也不听,有穿没穿下 还是一样!  MCO Start 开始下定决心一定要瘦下来 因为医生说如果你再不瘦下来 4层楼的专科部门 你要去见到完 可以想象到时花的钱💰是天文数字!谁不怕!肯定怕!乖乖的这段期间天天穿 Aulora Series (衣服➕裤子➕袜子➕内裤)通通穿,再加饮食上控制,每天运动! 这是1个月多的效果 !!感恩遇见Aulora Series 拥有了就相信它 努力穿 24小时穿💪🏽 ---Thanks Yuki for sharing true story of Liang Liang--- From 18/3/2020 to 20/4/2020, Liang Liang has successfully slim down from 116kg to 108kg.  Usually he control his diet but cannot see the weight loss until his sister, Yuki introduced him Aulora pants and asked him to wear 24 hours. He don't believe and not listen to instructions. Sometimes wear sometimes don't,  he sees no difference at all. Doctor told him if he cannot slim down, he need to meet professor at Level 4 and the cost is expensive. So when MCO starts,  he decided to take this opportunity to diet. Everyday wearing Aulora pants + Aulora top+ Aulora socks+Aulora boxers, and eat healthy as we

Aulora pants 之 摆脱毛毛虫-静脉曲张见证

🔥🔥🔥🔥 Thank you Joshua Xinyi Khang for sharing ☺️ Omg! 😱 If i didn’t take a picture for comparison and I really can’t see the big difference 😅 🤪 few years of varicose veins can improve a lot in 19 days. Now my mother can wake up 5am breakfast with me 😍 My mom always have to go toilet few times for pee and make her can't wake up early. I am very grateful that the 3 Founders of BE introduced such a great product so that my mother can get back to health #BEInternational #Aulorapantswithkodenshi #Thankyoufounders 🔥🔥🔥🔥 谢谢Joshua Xinyi Khang 妈妈的分享☺️ Omg! 😱没拍照做对比还真的看不出这么大分别😅 看到对比找后,我们两都傻眼了🤪 这么多年的 #静脉曲张 可以在短短的19天改善这么多👍👍👍 不止这样,我妈妈穿了Aulora pants后也改善了我妈妈的夜尿烦恼。应为这样,我妈妈可以早上5点起来和我一起吃早餐😍 *应为我的工作时间是跟着shift的,所以很多年都应为她的 #夜尿问题 都没办法这么早起😔* 真的很开心✌️很感恩BE的3位Founders引进了这么棒的产品让我妈妈可以找回健康✌️同事也让我们母子有更多的Bonding time😍😍 #BEInternational #Aulorapantswithkodenshi #Thankyoufounders 🔊 Further Info  想了解,欢迎询问😊  📲Kindly Contact Me Winnie Lau For More Details 😊😊😊 Name   

Aulora pants 之 👋拜咯肚腩 Weightloss Testimony

I was first introduced to Aulora Pants in April 2018 after I have lost my baby at 33weeks pregnant. Everyone I met said it was because my womb was too ‘cold’ so it wasn’t ready yet. It took us a while to conceive and we lost it then so I was devastated. At the same time, I was having severe pain at my pelvic bone area as it was twisted. What’s worst, I was obviously obese. So, my husband bought me a pair of Aulora Pants to see if it could ease my pain a little. I wore the pants 20 hours a day for 2 months continuously and guess what, thanks to Aulora Pants, i don’t only lost 6kg, I was blessed with my miracle baby. Even doctors were in ‘wow’! #fertility Having gave birth to my son, I started wearing the pants again, it helps me to lose the weight that I have put on during pregnancy within 2 months time. It also ease the pain on my pelvic bone area and allowed me to sleep better at night. The pain used to keep me awake for hours at night and I could barely carry my baby for long. Afte