Aulora pants 之 👋拜咯肚腩 Weightloss Testimony

I was first introduced to Aulora Pants in April 2018 after I have lost my baby at 33weeks pregnant. Everyone I met said it was because my womb was too ‘cold’ so it wasn’t ready yet. It took us a while to conceive and we lost it then so I was devastated. At the same time, I was having severe pain at my pelvic bone area as it was twisted. What’s worst, I was obviously obese. So, my husband bought me a pair of Aulora Pants to see if it could ease my pain a little. I wore the pants 20 hours a day for 2 months continuously and guess what, thanks to Aulora Pants, i don’t only lost 6kg, I was blessed with my miracle baby. Even doctors were in ‘wow’! #fertility
Having gave birth to my son, I started wearing the pants again, it helps me to lose the weight that I have put on during pregnancy within 2 months time. It also ease the pain on my pelvic bone area and allowed me to sleep better at night. The pain used to keep me awake for hours at night and I could barely carry my baby for long.
After the confinement lady left, I was over occupied with new things to learn in taking care of my son and I forgotten about the pants. With breastfeeding, I took in a lot more extra calories and I was so giant in size. In July 2019, I decided to put on the pants again to see if I could lose weight.
Pairing it with an hour exercise twice a week and portion control of my main meals as well as wearing the Aulora Pants for more than 20 hours a day, I lost 18 kg in 7 months time. Yes, 18kg!!! I was size XXL and now I am size M/L! Just simply amazing! #weightloss

2018年我开始尝试穿aulora 裤子,两个月的时间我瘦了6公斤,更加厉害的是,我在两个月内就怀上了我的儿子,就连医生们都觉得神奇。
2019年,我生了我儿子之后就开始穿aulora 裤子,两个月内就已经变回怀孕前的体重。盆骨歪了造成的疼痛也减少了而且晚上也可以比较好睡。但是因为全母乳就一直吃不停,而且月嫂走了以后我就自己忙到没有保持穿裤子,我的体重一直停留在痴肥者的程度。7月的时候我就想说再试一次看aulora 裤子是不是还可以帮我减掉一点体重。于是我每天穿上这个裤子20小时,再配合每星期两次1 小时的运动, 控制主餐的份量,我在7个月内瘦了18公斤! 没错,18kg!!! 我从原来的加大加大码变成现在的中码。神奇吗

#BEinternational #aulorapants #fertility #weightloss #pelvicboneadjustment #火锅照吃运动照做裤子照穿 #就这样瘦了18公斤

🔊 Further Info  想了解,欢迎询问😊  📲Kindly Contact Me Winnie Lau For More Details 😊😊😊

Name              : Winnie Lau
Whatsapp        :
Wechat            : winniel_0113
Location          : Malaysia and Singapore
Facebook         : Winnie Lie -

Testimonial Disclaimer:
Testimonials appearing on this website are received in various forms via a variety of submission methods. The testimonials reflect the real-life experiences of individuals who used our products. However, individual results may vary.


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